Elvis Lives…again and Dies SHAKE, RATTLE & DIE! You’re invited to the annual ELVIS IMPERSONATORS OF ENGLAND AWARDS DINNER, fondly known as the A.R.S.E – the Annual Real Son of Elvis award… For the past 12 years one man – the great LARRY VIZ – has walked away with the Gold ARSE Cup, awarded to the finest Elvis Impersonator in Britain. But last week, somebody shot L. VIZ – so it’s Heartbreak Hotel for his fans and Jailhouse Rock for the murderer… But who’s the Hound Dog that shot L. Viz? Could it be his wife, PRISCILLA VIZ, herself acclaimed as one of the finest female Elvis impersonators alive? Could it be his secret young lover, GRACE LAND, young female Elvis impersonator of the year three years running? Or could it be Larry’s friend and manager, CORNELL PARKER or even Larry’s number one rival for the annual ARSE Cup, JUDE…
Elvischapelasvegas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
All our staff really enjoyed the evening and the actors were superb. To be honest it was a big gamble as we just chose your company off the internet and had never done such an event before, but it was a resounding success and we look forward to running another event with you soon.
Slush Puppie