Themes & Stories

High Noon at Drop Dead Gulch


For weeks, people have been pouring into the small western town of Dropdead Gulch for theBiggest poker tournament this side of the Mississippi. From outlaws to marshals and saloongirls to southern belles, everyone has made this small western frontier town THE place to be.As the festivities of the poker tournament conclude, a celebration party is planned atThe Dropdead Saloon to award the prize money for the tournament and to celebrate whatis hoping to be a very financially successful venture for the saloon.With a smattering of bandits, bankers, saloon girls, sheriffs, gamblers, east coast debutantes, andof course a few of the locals, this is guaranteed to make for a very interesting evening indeed. As the festivities of the poker tournament reach their conclusion, the final two rounds of the runner-up tournament and a celebration party is planned at the Dropdead Saloon to award the booty for the tournament. So put on…

High Noon at Drop Dead Gulch Gallery

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